On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 22:45:03 -0800
Darren Pilgrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Randy Pratt wrote:
> > Darren wrote:
> >>Andrew wrote:
> >>>On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Asker wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>The modem can be configured to use PPPoE or PPTP protocol for making the
> >>>>connection with my Internet Servise Provider.
> >>>
> >>>Well if the modem does PPPoE itself (and preusmably NAT) then you need no
> >>>speical support from the OS. From its poitn of view you are just conencted
> >>>via ethernet.
> >>
> >>If you need the machine to do PPPoE, ppp supports PPPoE.  For this to 
> >>work, though, you need netgraph, which isn't in GENERIC.  You will need 
> >>to make a custom kernel and build your own set of custom floppies.
> > 
> > Happily, kernel configuration is no longer necessary for PPPoE. If the
> > necessary netgraph support is not built into the kernel, it will be
> > dynamically loaded by ppp (See handbook section on PPPoE).
> Yes, but with floppies, the kernel modules aren't available, are they?
> Am I missing something?

Like you, I don't see any modules on the floppies but they do indeed
support PPPoE.  I'm not sure how the magic works but I'm assuming that
the support is built into the GENERIC kernel.  Perhaps one of our kernel
gurus could shed a bit more light on this.

I have installed both 4.7-R and 5.0-DP1 using the two floppies and 
PPPoE/FTP.  It would be nice if this were a menu option of Sysinstall
but very few people have a real need for this method.  Typically, those
with broadband will download and burn an installation cdrom.

My apologies for not being able to answer more definitively.


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