On Thursday 12 January 2006 04:25 am, Joseph Kerian wrote:
> On 1/11/06, Martin Tournoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/01/06, Josh Paetzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *many helpful attachments snipped*
> > > I've been having terrible 2d performance with opera
> > > (linux-opera and native 8.51 and 9.0) using the nvidia drivers.
> > >  When I windowshade it and then restore it there is a sizeable
> > > delay while it redraws the window.  If I rapidly shade and
> > > restore the window my idle CPU time goes to 0% and mp3 playback
> > > will occassionally skip.
> > >
> > > The problem first started when Opera 8 was released, I hoped
> > > that further releases would address it but so far that has not
> > > been the case.  Any suggestions for a fix welcome.
> > >
> > > (Yes, I have been seeking support on opera.com but this feels
> > > like a FreeBSD mis-configuration of some sort on my end. :)
> >
> > You might try turning the twinview of, it takes up heaps of
> > resources on my machine, then again, your machine has 300% more
> > RAM and clockspeed, so it should be able to handle it fine....
> >
> > Try using freebsd AGP, the nvidia should work better but you
> > might want to try it anyway...
> The other useful file for this might be your Xorg log.
> > Which window manager do you use, I noted that KDE can be really,
> > really slow even on newer machines (Krap Desktop Enviorment)
> *bites the troll*
> > Is this problem ONLY with opera? or with other applications to?
> > if you have another QT application you might want try how that
> > runs. Also check you QT version, maybe it's ancient?
> >
> > Did you try using both the static/shared QT versions? If not, it
> > might make a diffrence.
> I haven't had this problem at all with Opera on the ports KDE,
> using a far inferior nvidia card.
> I have had a bit of shared library wierdness, but Opera simply
> refused to run until I fixed that.
> If this is a PCI-Express card, note the discussion of 3d
> performance here:
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59981

Well, I think I may have found the problem but can't seem to find a 
fix to test my theory.  Xorg is loading Xinerama and I've found some 
noise via google that there is a 'nvidia-xinerama' that is faster 
than the native 'xorg-xinerama'.  I've tried disabling xinerama in my 
Xorg conf file but it loads anyways.

Attached is my xorg.log


Josh Paetzel
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