I am trying to put user's home directories onto a mounted windows share
(mounting via smbfs).  When I run the adduser script (and specify
/mountedshare/username as the home directory) it doesn't set the
ownership of the home directory to the user.  Root still owns the
folder.  If I add a user to the usual /home directory it works fine.

Here is what the regular home directory shows for permissions:
# cd /home
# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  2 test  test  512 Dec 20 13:45 test

Here is what the mounted share shows for permissions:
# cd /mountedshare
# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  16384 Dec 19 10:18 test2

Do I need to chmod the mountedshare to a particular value to get the
ownership to work?  Is there something else about the mountedshare that
I need to change, maybe in fstab?

Many thanks,
Adam Lofstedt

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