Tamouh H. wrote:
Just get a different sound card.  There are lotsof
inexpensive sounds cards that are probably supported by
FreeBSD for just a few (10-30) $

Btw, this problem happens with Windows, Mac OS X, etc as
well.  I have been trying to put an extra USB/Firewire card
in my G5, and they work, but with weird side effects like
hanging IO.  My dad had some sound card issues on Windows
with "supported" cards.


Oh come on, I've been working with all Linux, FreeBSD and Windows.

Getting a different card is not the solution. It is actually an absurd
suggestion which goes to prove further that Unix has not matured yet to
compete with Microsoft.

If you are looking for compatibility, Windows is the answer.

You are looking for security and stable releases, FreeBSD is the answer

If you are seeking *free* OS with largest compatibility, Linux is the answer

If you are seeking performance, FreeBSD is the answer.

Windows almost runs everything, FreeBSD is stable, good performance but it
is behind Linux when it comes to releasing drivers (example, zero-channel
RAID cards weren't supported until very recently and still not quite
official). The Linux OS has a much larger community than FreeBSD and hence
has more development in it.

In my opinion, I think the Unix world had missed the boat on trying to take
over MSFT. The new Windows coming out are as stable as the Unix servers.
With the Vista Windows, and a dramatic reduction of GUI, you can expect much
better OS.
Where did you read that about Vista? I've seen the beta versions of Vista and they all require cadillac machines with spiffy OpenGL cards, etc, in order to function without a lot of lag and hiccups. And when you turn all the bells and whistles off, Vista is nothing more than a graphics enhanced versions of XP with additional security features, such as required administrator logins, etc like Unix has been doing for years and Mac has been doing for a while. Windows Vista will no doubt require lots of RAM in comparison to XP because the developers/business team will add more features than users can shake a stick at. Yet, sadly enough I do not deny the fact that Windows is required given the software development model and noting where the money lies in software and hardware support. Heck, if Windows didn't exist I doubt I would have a job =D.
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