On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Nathan Kinkade wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 02:25:09PM +0000, Voicu Liviu wrote:
> > my problem is mounting vfat/ext3 partitions:
> > under linux my table looks like:
> > /dev/hda1 - > win2k
> > /dev/hda2 - > root of gentoo linux
> > /dev/hda3 - > swap of gentoo linux
> > /dev/hda4 - > my freebsd workstation
> > 
> > Any 1 please, how do I mount the partition of linux/win2k under freebsd?
> > 
> > Every thing is named different in freebsd.
> > Thanks
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Voicu Liviu
> Voicu,
> First, ALWAYS put a subject in your post and try your best to summarize
> the entire question in a few descriptive words.  Frequently, not putting
> a subject will cause list members to skip over and ignore your post.
You are so right...I always fill the subject but now I missed it...I'm
> Second, read the handbook section 2.5: Allocating Disk Space at
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/install-steps.html
> This should help you to understand device naming/numbering in FreeBSD
The truth is I was looking for something like this but did not find
...maybe I did not search to much. 
> That said, assuming that you are using IDE HDDs, you device names will
> probably correspond between Linux -> FreeBSD something like:
> FreeBSD    -> Linux
> /dev/ad0s1 -> /dev/hda1
> /dev/ad0s2 -> /dev/hda1
> /dev/ad0s3 -> /dev/hda1
> /dev/ad0s4 -> /dev/hda1
I just don't understand why does FreeBSD work like that
> >From here you can read up mount(8) for more information on mounting
> various filesystem types.  A Google (or similar) search would probably
> also prove helpful.
> Good luck,
> Nathan
Thank you 
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Voicu Liviu
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Network Support and Assistant Programmer

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