On Monday, 30 January 2006 at 10:31:13 +0300, Forth wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying setup a vinum mirrored plex with two disks:
>> ad2: 38204MB <SAMSUNG SP0411N> [77622/16/63] at ata1-master UDMA33
>> ad3: 38204MB <SAMSUNG SP0411N> [77622/16/63] at ata1-slave UDMA33
> Disks are new and fully functional, but when i do:
> #vinum start
> #vinum
> vinum -> mirror -v -n mirror /dev/ad2 /dev/ad3
> i get this:
> drive vinumdrive0 device /dev/ad2
> Can't create drive vinumdrive0, device /dev/ad2: Can't initialize drive
> vinumdrive0

You should be using partitions, not disk drives.  Create a partition
of type "vinum", for example /dev/ad2s1h, and specify that.  The man
page explains in more detail.

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