david bryce wrote:

n 2006-01-30 15:52, david bryce <davidbryce at fastmail.fm> wrote:
Hi All,

I am having some confusion regarding the way CVS works with permissions
under unix when importing a new project. Currently, when I import a
project, I get this sort of permissions on the project directory:

drwxr-x---  2 jim   cvs   512 Jan 27 12:31 test_proj

Notice that the group (cvs) is not granted write access. Is this the
way it's supposed to work?
That depends on what your `umask' currently is.

Do I have to use chmod to grant write access to the group every time I
do an import?
No.  The correct way to fix this is to set CVSUMASK in your shell
environment, and then import the files :)
Giorgos, Thanks very much for replying! I wasn't aware of this environment variable (even though I spent quite a while on this problem). Using CVSUMASK certainly works when working on the server machine!

However, I'm not sure what to do in client/server situations. The CVS manual states:

"Note that using the client/server CVS (see section Remote repositories), there is no good way to set CVSUMASK; the setting on the client machine has no effect."

We are currently using a pserver installation, with developers using windows machines. We need a way to achieve
the same effect with a user on a windows machine doing an
import. Do you have any idea how this can be done? Thank you!


Hi everyone,

On the CVS server machine should our CVS repository directory belong to the cvs group, i.e. user==root, group==cvs?

And as for the umask, as it appears to be 027, if we give the cvs group write permission on /usr/local/cvsrep then when we import our projects they will be writeable by members of group cvs and the owner of the project, in this case jim. CVS gives all the source files under test_proj permissions -r--r--r-- regardless of the umask.

So since this is an existing repository maybe there is extra work. What is the biggest factor, the number of distinct projects in the repository? But as a start why not do a chgrp cvs cvsrep; chmod g+w cvsrep. In a new repository this would make sure all permissions started off correctly. Unfortunately real life is never that simple. Is this not how CVS would like it?

I apologize if I am being all the things suggested in my subject heading. I've posted these opinions a couple of times without response. Perhaps they are inappropriate to the list or irrelevant to David's situation, or maybe just wrong? I'll let it drop after this. I certainly don't mean to muddy the waters but to me this is what this list is all about and I believe this issue goes to the heart of UN*X administration.


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