On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 09:48:56PM -0900, Beech Rintoul wrote:
> I have sort of a newbie question. How do I connect to a remote machine with 
> x-windows and get a desktop? Could someone point me in the right direction as 
> I've never had a need to to do it before. I do have ssh to the machine.
> Beech
> -- 
You'll have to export $DISPLAY=x.x.x.x:0.0 so that the display on the
remote machine is displayed on the local. You'll also have to forward
X11 packets, check your ssh_conf so that "forward X11 yes".
I use cygwin on my work laptop ( XP ) and a openvpn connection to my BSD
machine then fire up the display on the XP machine.
I did use just ssh and allowed only ssh from the outside to the BSD
machine, but found that someone was trying to brute force the username
and password so set up the openvpn. I feel a lot more comfortable with
that, even though it's just my own private network.
There's plenty of info on google to point you in the right direction.


****Michael Fleming*****
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