On 04-Feb-2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 2/4/06, Bob Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> /usr/ports/UPDATING recommends that users of textproc/expat2
>> run portupgrade -rf textproc/expat2 to properly update expat2 and all of
>> its dependencies.  Am I correct in that I should be able to run
>> portupgrade on the dependencies individually once identified?
> Yes.  Tediously.  I have about 74 things that depend on expat.
> Or you could ignore the whole thing until something important
> depending on expat needs upgrading and do the mess then.
> Firefox might count as this, maybe X.  Both of which seem to
> have updates this last week.
>> I have 48 dependencies on one box and 151 on another and only use a
>> dialup service.  Disconnections are common and can be a real problem in
>> this situation.
> Shouldn't matter for most of them if you didn't delete your distfiles
> as they are merely(!) being rebuilt with expat 2.  If you deleted your
> distfiles, or close with make distclean you will have to download
> them anew, sadly.

Good point.  This is why I *never* use the "distclean" target.  Instead, I
do a periodic "portsclean -CDD" (man portsclean).

Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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