Chuck Swiger wrote:
Andrea Venturoli wrote:
I'm building a new server and stumbled upon this:

ses0 at ahd0 bus 0 target 8 lun 0
ses0: <SDR GEM318P 1> Fixed Processor SCSI-2 device
ses0: 3.300MB/s transfers
ses0: SAF-TE Compliant Device
I guess it has something to do with a SCSI hot-swap device, but I didn't
find any info on it.
What is it? What's its purpose? Can I do something nice with it?

"ses" stands for "SCSI Environmental Services", and seems to be a standard for
managing hot-plug enclosures, fault-tolerance, drive temperatures, and voltages,
etc.  See "man ses" and /usr/share/examples/ses.

Thanks, I had seen that. Still I quite don't get it. What management are we talking about? I've always thought of hot plug devices as dumb connectors...


# pwd
# ./getencstat -v /dev/ses0
SESIOC_GETNOBJ: Inappropriate ioctl for device
# ./getencstat -v /dev/da0
SESIOC_GETNOBJ: Inappropriate ioctl for device


 bye & Thanks

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