Hi all,

I am seeking information about what this and other similar messages mean, and 
corrective action to take. At the time of the error message, the machine 
spontaneously rebooted (apparently without panic ) and came back with a corrupt 
/var filesystem (to  which fsck required manuall intervention to recover).

The machine is a dual Xeon ASUS NCCH-DL board with 4 GB of ram, running 6.0 
STABLE Thu Dec 222 18:24:2005, and has otherwise been reliable. The machine was 
placed into test as a secondary mail server, seeded with dictionary-attack 
accounts and allowed to collect UCE and ratware at will, as a test for 
SpamAssassin and MIMEDefang. ( Also makes a goot test for a pf-spamd teergrube.)

 md2 is a 512mB memory disk mounted on /var/spool/MIMEDefang, to allow quick 
scanning with less hardware disk IO. The main hardware drive controller is a 
3ware 4 port SATA controller in raid mirror mode.

Googling on this vfs_done()  seems to show various similar requests for 
information  related to other circumstances but no paresable responses. (I dont 
*think* md2 was ever *full*.)  I can read code.. but.. Geez, filesystem code... 
Echh. Clue-stick -> manpage welcome here. Thanks.

Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=434585600, 
length=131072)]error = 28
Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=434716672, 
length=131072)]error = 28
Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=434847744, 
length=131072)]error = 28
Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=434978816, 
length=131072)]error = 28
Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=435109888, 
length=131072)]error = 28
Feb  8 13:48:59 testbed kernel: g_vfs_done():md2[WRITE(offset=435240960, 
length=131072)]error = 28

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