Phillip Ledger wrote:
> im trying to update the ports on my FreeBSD 6 release box however when i
> run portupgrade i get the error
> Stale dependency: phpMyAdmin- --> pdflib-6.0.1_2 -- manually run
> 'pkgdb -F' to fix, or specify -O to force.
> i have tryed boath and i cant seem to get it to work. has anyone found
> how to fix this?

Hmmm... Seems you've changed the version of pdflib installed on your
machine -- maybe to the pdflib-perl port?

Anyhow, if you're immediately going to upgrade phpMyAdmin (and you should:
that old version has some known vulnerabilities) then while running 'pkgdb -F'
just *delete* the dependency on pdflib.  That will clear the pkgdb enough
for portupgrade to run, and as soon as it installs the updated version of
phpMyAdmin, it will put back the correct list of dependencies.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       Flat 3
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