On Feb 15, 2006, at 2:40 PM, Steve Quinn wrote:

--- Joe Auty wrote:

Thanks Steve, but this is exactly the same script I've been using all
along, while in Single User Mode.

However, could you explain the zeroing of blocks, and what its
purpose is for? Does this solve the problem of space being lost when
cloning a disk to a larger disk?

Hi Joe

Sorry, you mentioned Freesbie and I assumed you had not used dump under your FreeBSD install

Now that I think about it, I was getting errors like yours when I was first learning this script
I remember having to adjust it to taste

Have a look at your fstab (cat /etc/fstab) and ensure the scripts references to your FreeBSD
slices match your system.

In the script I sent you, my clone destination disk was ad2 so you will need to look at that as

Don't worry Joe, you are very very close

Regarding zeroing empty or unused blocks, have a look at this


Regarding space lost cloning to a larger disk, zeroing unused blocks wont help that. Imagine your 10GB FreeBSD hard disk is cloned with G4U to a 20GB hard disk. It will probably work great but your 20GB disk is only half full. You will have to use growfs to expand a slice or create a new partition to reclaim the empty space. Sorry, I have not tried this yet and have no experience.

In cloning to a bigger disk, I prefer the dump/restore script method as I get to fully utilize the
larger disk capacity

It sort of helps, but sort of doesn't at the same time. I've tried the dump command from the script using the correct slices, and still had that kernel panic. I figured that using the Freesbie CD might be a way of testing whether my install on my master/source drive was somehow messed up, but I haven't gone very far with that (dump reports "unsupported file system" errors).

I've also looked at growfs, but I'm not entirely sure how to handle the prequisite to using it which is using bsdlabel. It seems that running bsdlabel within /stand/sysinstall doesn't recognize the free space, so I can't create a new partition map that reflects this free space. I'll keep working at it though...

Thanks for your help!

Joe Auty
NetMusician: web publishing software for musicians

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