Alejandro Pulver wrote:

On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 12:05:14 +0000
Alex Zbyslaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a 6600 with FreeBSD 5.4 XOrg 6.8.2 but still nvidia-driver-1.0.7676_1. I have an occasional problem where the
whole screen is shifted left on startup, but exiting and
restarting X fixes it.  You could try downgrading to an older
nvidia-driver and see if it helps.  Portdowngrade should do that,
but I've never used it myself.

You may have more luck if you try the nvidia support forum.
Definitely slower than this mailing list but someone from nvidia
was reading it, last time I used it.

Well, that was part of the problem, but I still have errors with one
OpenGL application (I have tested others like Doom III and Enemy
Territory and didn't cause this): a Quake II engine called QuDos.
Sometimes I get the following:

Program output (QuDos):

Received signal 11, exiting...
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range
for operation) Major opcode of failed request:  135
(XFree86-VidModeExtension) Minor opcode of failed request:  10
(XF86VidModeSwitchToMode) Value in failed request:  0x1200002
 Serial number of failed request:  35768
 Current serial number in output stream:  35771

NVidia kernel module output:

NVRM: Xid: 8, Channel 00000002
NVRM: Xid: 27,  L1 -> L0
I don't play OpenGL games under FreeBSD so I can't tell if I have the same problems with my card/driver/Xorg version, sorry.

But I think my original advice still holds. Try searching the NVidia forum for your new error and if nothing found try posting a question there. And you can *try* downgrading the driver, which may or may not help, but must be worth a shot. You could always run WinXP for games <ducks for cover>


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