Chuck Swiger wrote:
Tom Grove wrote:
Chuck Swiger wrote:
[ ... ]
getline() is not part of the standard C library.
What makes you think gcc is broken...?
Yeah...I see that after some more research.  So, now I guess my question
is being that it's not standard and gets() is not safe to use what
should I use to grab lines?  My gut tells me to copy the getline()
function from the K&R book but I'm not totally sure that's a great idea
either.  Stupid strings always causing problems!

Depending on what you'd like to do, GNU readline may be a fine solution to your
situation.  Otherwise, getch(stdin) with a bit of code to "cook" DEL/BS/CR/NL,
or just use the getline port as you've already done.  :-)

Okay...I think I'm either an idiot or going slowly insane. I'll admit I'm not the most savvy C programmer but the following code gives me an error:

## Source File##
#include <stdio.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <readline/history.h>

int main() {
       char *line;

       line = readline("Test: ");

       return 0;
##Source File##

/var/tmp//ccqxIZxQ.o(.text+0x25): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `readline'

What sucks is that readline() seems like it would be the perfect solution. I'm not doing anything special but my I don't want to start getting into bad habits like using gets().

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