I can try that.  I'm not sure how to use Samba3, though.  I was trying to
help a friend use Samba, but I was use to Sama2, and Samba3 apparently
recquires a smb.conf file.  You use to be able to just do everything from
the command line, like (I think):

   smbclient //server/share /mnt/pnt -o

Apparently that doesnt work anymore, and I havent had time to figure out the
new way.  I think smbclient isn't even part of Samab3 (it could find it
after installing it).

> > Well, it's good to know I'm not the only one seing this. Right now both
> > machines are running FreeBSD, since I gave up on waiting for Windows to
> > copy
> > the files.  The CPU load on Window when sending  1 meg per second is
> > usually
> > about 30%, while the Unix box is only at 1-2%.  When I have 2 Unix boxes
> > sending/receiving, I think the load is like 4-5% on both.  I'm building
> a
> > bunch of packages right now, so I can't get the exact number.  I could
> try
> > the openssh patch later in the week, that would be great if there was a
> > unix-side fix for this. Of course as I run FreeBSD more, and Windows
> less,
> > the problem will go away, too.
> >
> > thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2/20/06, Andrew Pantyukhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 2/20/06, Xn Nooby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > For about a year I have noticed that whenever my Windows boxes talk
> to
> >> my
> >> > Unix boxes, they communicate at about 1/10 normal speed. I copy lots
> >> (300GB)
> >> > of large files back and forth between machines as I try different
> >> OS's,
> >> and
> >> > I always see this.
> >> >
> >> > Specifically, if I copy from FreeBSD to FreeBSD, files transfer at 11
> >> megs
> >> > per second.  Between FreeBSD and Linux, at about 8 megs per
> >> second.  Between
> >> > FreeBSD and Windows, about 1 megabyte per second.  This is on
> >> identical
> >> > hardware.  I've told other people about this, and they usually say I
> >> must be
> >> > doing something wrong, but recently a friend of mine upgraded a
> >> Windows
> >> box
> >> > to SP2, and now they are getting this same slowness.  When I copy
> from
> >> > Windows to WIndows (XP or W2k), I get 11 megs per second.
> >> >
> >> > My machines are two P4's with gigabit NICs, and I'm using WinSCP and
> >> > (somtimes) pscp.exe on WIndows to talk to sshd on FreeBSD.  It's
> >> always
> >> a
> >> > shock when I have to copy my data to WIndows, and it takes 30 hours
> >> instead
> >> > of 3.
> >> >
> >> > Does anyone else ever see this slowness when copying files between
> >> FreeBSD
> >> > and Windows?
> >> >
> >> > Is Windows maybe capping the transfer speed when it talks to Unix?
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
> >> > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
> >> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "
> >> >
> >>
> >> It is very certainly a known issue. Not that its specifics and
> >> origins are clearly known, but most of us stumble upon it
> >> sooner or later. You can usually achieve wire speed only
> >> between two OSes of a kind. TCP/IP optimizations are
> >> very important here: if they differ, performance plummets.
> >> Depends on a multitude of things from quality of NICs to
> >> weather in your area. I've never been able to get more
> >> than 70Mbit/s between FreeBSD and Windows XP. I
> >> always get 90-100Mbit/s between two BSDs or two Win's.
> >>
> >> As for your case, 1MB/s is a serious limit. What can you
> >> tell us about CPU load? Interrupts? Can you try this:
> >> http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/
> >>
> If you have both the XP and FreeBSD machines on the same internal network,
> why not enable file sharing on the XP box and use Samba Client on the
> freeBSD box. I have found SMB to be a lot faster as it is running as a
> service on XP.
> Rob
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