I just updated to the newest version of Samba (3.0.21b,1). The old
version was working fine, but since there were a number of ports that I
had that were out dated, I simply updated them all.

The problem is that Samba does not appear to be working correctly now. I
can access the FreeBSED machine from any of the WinXP machines without
incident. However, the reverse is not true. I have tried running the
following command which produces this output:

smbclient -L boss -U username%password
timeout connecting to
timeout connecting to
Error connecting to (Operation already in progress)
Connection to boss failed

Absolutely nothing has changed other than the updating of Samba and a
few other ports -- mostly KDE. The WinXP machines are untouched. There
is no new firewall involved, etc.

I posted this on the Samba list, but did not receive any response.
Perhaps someone here might have an idea.


Gerard Seibert

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