I fixed most of the errors from my upgrade from 6.1 p#1 to 6.1 p#2, and in
the process apparently upgraded to 6.1 p#3.  I am still getting a libtool

Earlier, I did a "make deinstall clean" on all ports that were using
libtool, and after removing about 10, I thought I had it fixed.  It doesn't
seem I am able to remove XMMS, though it appears to deinstall successfully
when I run the command.  Portupgrade still fails.  I'm not really sure what
it going on at this point.  I tried to do a "less /usr/src/UPDATING", but
now it doesn't show the entry that was in there last night.  An entry for
2/23 about libtool being moved, and there not being any easy fix.

Here is my error:

az# portversion -l "<"
az# portupgrade -arR
cd: can't cd to /usr/ports/devel/libtool13
** Package 'libtool' has been removed from ports tree.
** Port directory not found: devel/libtool13
** Detected a package name change: xmms (multimedia/xmms) -> 'xmms-esound'
** No need to upgrade 'xmms-1.2.10_4' (>= xmms-esound-1.2.10_4). (specify -f
to force)
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
        !  (libtool-1.3.5_2)    (port directory error)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 174 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed

Here is the first entry in UPDATING:

Items affecting the ports and packages system can be found in
/usr/ports/UPDATING.  Please read that file before running

        An IPv6 support of ipfw was enabled by default.  If you don't
        want to filter an IPv6 by ipfw, please add following line into
        your ipfw rule:

any suggestions?
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