I'm trying to configure mod_authn_dbd to use a mysql database. I'm running MySQL 5.0.18 and Apache 2.2 on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE.

Here's what I have for configuration:

# Database Management
DBDriver mysql

#Connection string: database name and login credentials
DBDParams "dbname=UserDirectory user=readonly password=moo"

#Parameters for Connection Pool Management
DBDMin  1
DBDKeep 2
DBDMax  10
DBDExptime 60


        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/apache22/data
        ServerName intranet.example.com
        ErrorLog logs/intranet.example.com-error_log

        <Directory /usr/local/www/apache22/data>
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Intranet"
                AuthBasicProvider dbd
                Require valid-user
AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select password from user_permissions where username = %s"

When I try to start apache, I'm getting a segfault:

fry# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22.sh onerestart
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I've tried removing each config option one at a time, and the offending directive is AuthDBDUserPWQuery. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? I've verified that the server is running, the username+password is correct, and the query is valid.

Is there anything I got wrong here? Is apr_dbd_mysql incompatible with my version of MySQL, FreeBSD, or Apache?

- Fred

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