On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 08:48:15AM -0600, Donald J. O'Neill wrote:

> > > >11)  script /home/script/buildworld/iw-???date run"
> > > >12)  cd /usr/src                pwd
> > > >13)  mergemaster -p
> > > >14)  make installworld
> > > >15)  mergemaster -i             ???install everything?
> > > >16)  exit
> > > >17)shutdown -r now
> > > >===============================
> > > >
> > > >This should help a bit.
> > >
> > > Hello Don!
> > > Thank you for some good help.
> > >
> > > My make.conf only had some use.perl stuff.
> > > I added your flags.
> > >
> > > Also I've revised my sequence:
> > >
> > > cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/cvsupfile \
> > >
> > > && cd /usr/obj \
> > > && chflags -R noschg * \
> > > && rm -rf * \
> > >
> > > && cd /usr/src ; make clean \
> > > && make buildworld \
> > > && make buildkernel KERNCONF=NINJA \
> > > && make installkernel KERNCONF=NINJA \
> > > && make installworld \
> > > && mergemaster \
> > >
> > > And am now ready to give it another go :)
> >
> > Until you are satisfied that everything works without any problems at
> > all, please don't use scripts to run the builds.
> >
> > For instance, your script above lacks a call to ``mergemaster -p''
> > before the ``make buildworld'' step, which may be necessary.
> That's a call to 'script' to run, telling it where to put the resulting 
> text file. While it is running, commands are given and executed. Later, 
> if something goes wrong, or you saw something you want to check on, you 
> have a record of what happened that you can look at, and pass on to 
> others, if needed. 
> Could you explain the logic of running mergemaster -p, when you have 
> nothing to run it on. /usr/obj was blown away at the beginning of the 
> buildworld sequence. What are you going to check at that point? Please 
> take a look at the handbook for the sequence that things should occur 
> in. I would say look at /usr/src/UPDATING, but their sequence doesn't 
> include installing the kernel anymore.

He means to run mergemaster -p before make installworld, as in the
instructions quoted at the top of this email and in /usr/src/UPDATING.
Also, the documented sequence *does* include installing the kernel, so
I don't know what you mean there either.


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