On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Adam Lofstedt wrote:

> I tried to send a message to the list earlier, but my
> email server was down.  I checked the archives, but I
> can't tell if my message has been posted already, so I
> apologize if it has.  If anyone has already replied,
> could you forward your response to this address?

yes, your message was posted. keppt it easy, it's a world-wide holiday,
so the answers can take while. :)

> I have a freeBSD machine with two NICS that I am using
> as a NAT gateway.  No matter what I do, clients on my
> LAN can't get past the gateway.  They can ping both
> the interal and external interfaces of the gateway,
> but can't get outside.

Either NAT is not working or the filter are blocking the packets. try doing an
'ipnat -l' and post the output. If the rules are loaded, drop the
filters ('ipf -Fa') and try again from one client.

Tell me if that works.


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