On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:45:48 +1300
Tom Munro Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've used pkg_add -r to install slib-3a1_2 and slib-guile-3a1 and
> then tried to portinstall g-wrap, but that failed. So I used pkg_add
> to install g-wrap-1.3.4_7 and then I was able to portinstall gnucash.
> However, when I try and run gnucash it fails with the following
> messages:
> ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
> ERROR: file: "libgw-glib", message: "Shared object \"libglib12.so.3\"
> not found, required by \"libgw-glib.so\""

do you have any libglibl libs? 
find /usr/ -name libglibl* 

if you find any, you may try mapping (the newest one found) to

/me saves time ...
man libmap.conf

> Any ideas what I can do now?

Yes, definitely listen to Kris K and ping the manteiner of the
port ...

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