On 3/13/06, Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pat Maddox wrote:
> > On 3/13/06, Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >> Your mail hosting provider should have working backups, although it is 
> >> worth
> >> checking.
> >
> > I have a server running postfix/courier-imap, and I'd like to know how
> > to make those working backups.  I've asked a couple places but haven't
> > found anything useful.
> The two most common styles of mailboxes are mbox and maildir, and both of 
> those
> can be backed up at the filesystem level using dump, tar, or anything else.

I've got it set up using maildir.  In the past to back up the mail I
just copied the files.  At one point I had to restore from the backup,
so I just copied the files back into the original location.  Logging
in via imap though, there were no emails to be found.  I've gotten
vague "I think you just copy the files" responses, but that didn't
work in my case, and I'm not sure what I need to do.

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