On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:40:14 +0100, Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--On March 14, 2006 4:32:23 PM -0700 "Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kind of like the idea of a dynamic "smart folder" where the criterion is other folders with new mail?

Exactly. Instead of copying new mail to a Favorites folder or displaying *all* Favorites folders, this folder only displays a folder if there's new mail in it.

Do you have a MUA in mind?

You could give the build-in email client of Opera - M2 a try (pop3, imap,
rss, atom, newsgroup support). It saves emails only once, has very nice
filters, auto-identifies mailing lists. Unread messages have their own
folder, once read they go to the correct view. All messages are indexed
and saved in a database. Find-as-you-type is very nice and fast.

Active contacts/threads are put in a seperate view, so they can be found
easily. Sort/search by label you have given to an email or by attachment.

Just take a look here and test it yourself:

BUT one thing is missing and might be the 'showstopper' for you, SMIME/PGP.
Hopefully this will be added in the near future, since they have already
changed the client a bit for Opera version 9.0.

Right now M2 is a good cross-plattform email client, when PGP will finally
be added it should be a _very_ good one.

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