Duane Whitty wrote:

(Aside: I thought the mozilla-suite built in email program was essentially thunderbird? I hope I was correct when I assumed you were using mozilla and not firefox?)

A bit OT, but you asked :-) AFAIK, Mozilla's email and Thunderbird share some kind of underlying codebase but at the very least the look-and-feels are quite different. Having said that, I use mozilla mail daily with nary a hiccup, but the last time I tried Thunderbird (say 6 months ago) all it did was core dump. Couldn't reply to an email, couldn't browse large folders and I gave up at that point. So, while at some level they may be "the same", at least in the past they were different enough to matter.

Mozilla mail and Thunderbird do not share executables; it's just the source that the executables are compiled from should be somewhat shared.



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