Paolo Tealdi wrote:

At 15.35 15/03/2006 +0000, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Paolo Tealdi wrote:

/dev/da0s1g         91399912  57543202 32028712    64%    /home

Well, that does look like the whole disk, and the dates and levels of the dumps look right...

What happens if you leave off the -L (but still doing just an estimate)? (You shouldn't need

# dump 9SuBf 1000000000 - /home
  DUMP: WARNING: should use -L when dumping live read-write filesystems!
  DUMP: Date of this level 9 dump: Thu Mar 16 09:13:53 2006
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: Sat Mar 11 19:40:24 2006
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/da0s1g (/home) to standard output
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 57703445 tape blocks.

Little differences because the it's in production

the redirection as nothing is actually dumped with -S). What does ls -lsak /home show? If that's just a small number of users, then "ls -lsak /home/*".

Is it conceivable that you have some process running which is actually touching all the files in /home?


This is an extract of the ls for a user directory

total 12098
    2 drwx------   8 bci  bci     1024 Apr 27  2005 ./
    2 drwxr-xr-x  20 bci  bci      512 Mar 14  2005 ../
    2 -rw-------   1 bci  bci       30 Jan 16  2003 .qmail
   22 -rw-------   1 bci  bci    22528 Mar 21  2001 archivio_lib.doc
   20 -rw-------   1 bci  bci    19456 Mar 21  2001 archivio_per.doc
   20 -rw-------   1 bci  bci    19456 Mar 21  2001 archivio_tes.doc
    2 drwx------   4 bci  bci      512 Apr 27  2005 biblioteca/
    2 drwx------   2 bci  bci      512 Dec 28  2004 bookmark importati/
20 -rw------- 1 bci bci 19456 Mar 21 2001 classificazioni_lib.doc
    2 drwx------   2 bci  bci      512 Dec 28  2004 doc.tealdi/
    2 drwx------   3 bci  bci      512 Dec 28  2004 documenti/
 2400 -rw-------   1 bci  bci  2435127 Mar 21  2001
5424 -rw------- 1 bci bci 5526904 Mar 21 2001
    2 drwx------  17 bci  bci     1536 Mar 16 09:16 eudora/
400 -rw------- 1 bci bci 378880 Mar 21 2001 guida_configurazione_aleph500.doc 288 -rw------- 1 bci bci 271622 Mar 21 2001 54 -rw------- 1 bci bci 53849 Mar 21 2001 3168 -rw------- 1 bci bci 3224349 Mar 21 2001 224 -rw------- 1 bci bci 201646 Mar 21 2001
    0 -rw-------   1 bci  bci        0 Jan 16  2003 mailbox
    2 drwx------   2 bci  bci      512 Dec 28  2004 maildir/

This is the output of restore -if <filename> for this directory.

restore > cd BCI/avantag
restore > ls
.qmail                                  eudora/
archivio_lib.doc                        guida_configurazione_aleph500.doc
bookmark importati/           
classificazioni_lib.doc                 mailbox
doc.tealdi/                             maildir/
documenti/ numero_dei_volumi_esistenti_su_lib.doc                    videoregistrazioni_cd.doc

Sorry, at this point I have no clue what's going on. Assuming everything really is OK with the base system, then this looks like a bug.

Clutching at straws, here are some things I might try:

1) "which dump" - just to be absolutely sure

2) Remake dump from /usr/src.

3) Make sure base system is OK. Cvsup, buildworld, buildkernel etc. This would bring you up to -p12 and require reboot. If behaviour still the same, file a PR.

4) Depending on your C prowess, instrument dump with some debugging info - at the point where it decides to back up a file, print out the relevant variables (the dates on the file and the date that it is being compared against). This will generate a lot of output but you can just hit ^C after a few seconds of printing. I don't think gdb would be an option as dump forks to

5) Do a level 0 of / home. Check that the restore actually works by actually restoring at least some of it, not just using ls. Then newfs /home being very careful and then restore it! (Being paranoid, I would make more than one dump, including one to tape, and would restore one of the backups to some spare disk).


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