Benjamin Sher wrote:

Dear friends:

I decided to go out and buy the latest issue of Linux
Format with the FreeBSD 6 CD. I am very glad I did.
FreeBSD is tough to install,

Well, kinda like the first date, the first cigarette, the
first skirmish, the first honeymoon, etc.: a tad tough,
the first time, maybe.  It gets easier.... ;-)

but after spending several hours

I feel for ya ....

I finally succeeded in doing a perfect installation.
ONE BIG PROBLEM: When I removed the CD and
rebooted, I got into my Windows XP (I have two
separate disks, one for Windows, one of FreeBSD).
There was no way to get into FreeBSD. Naturally,
I went into my BIOS and changed the boot sequence
from CD to Hard Drive. That only caused my system
to boot into Windows XP.

I read the instructions about the FreeBSD Boot Manager.
It said clearly that it should allow switching from one
OS to another. But I did not see any configuration for that.

There is no need to do any configuration of the boot
manager in most situations.

How, may I ask, do I do this while installing FreeBSD?
How do I change this configuration to guarantee that
all my work won't go down the toilet and that when I
reboot, I will see Lilo or whatever as a boot manager
that will allow me to select either FreeBSD or Windows?

I am looking forward to solving this and then to actually
seeing FreeBSD for the first time.

Thank you so much in advance.


Can you tell us about your hardware a little more?  If
your BIOS will only boot from HDD0, is that the drive
that actually has FreeBSD on it?

Obviously, if you have installed FreeBSD on a second
hard disk, and WinXP is on the first, you will see the
NT bootloader on Drive #0 and not the FreeBSD boot loader
on Drive #1; this would, it seems to me, load Windows XP
at the expense of ignoring everything else.

My 'Net connection is via packet radio, and the weather
in the Mid US is pretty bad today (so it may be that
I'm reading your message late, after it's already been
solved) and I'm having a good bit of difficulty reading
the online docs, but on my local copy, there is some
information in the Handbook (ch. 12) and perhaps the FAQ
(ch. 9) that may help.

If indeed the issue is that Windows is on "Drive zero",
then I would suggest switching the physical ordering
of the drives (by jumpers or cables or whatnot) and
trying again.  If the FreeBSD boot loader sees an
"unknown" partition type on a disk (such as NTFS or FAT/MSDOS) it will give you an option to boot this
disk (usually via the "F2" key, as FreeBSD is assigned
to "F1") and then give control to the MBR on the other disk.

Other potential options might include adapting
the Windows boot loader to "see" the other
drive's boot sector, or installing a 3rd party
boot loader on the primary hard disk (such as
GAG, Grub, or LILO as you mentioned above).


Kevin Kinsey

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