Steve wrote:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:15 PM
Subject: DNS control tools

> Someone is potentially interested in leasing a domain name from me.
> One of the technical points is DNS control.  What DNS tools exist that
> would allow me to maintain the DNS servers, but let this party login
> and administer DNS entries.  I'm thinking along the lines of some sort
> of web-based tool.  A user would login / authenticate themselves, but
> the tool would limit the domains they could manage in some fashion.
> Regards,
> --
> Steve Camp

Steve, have a look at Webmin.  You can create "client views" in the bind
module allowing a very granular access to specific domains.  Access can be
limited to just the bind module, for specific clients, for specific domains,
from specific IP addresses if needed.


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