fbsd_user wrote:
BSD mall is separate company.
This questions list has nothing to do with it.

That's very true, but it may be of general interest that the site has had some service issues. I tried to order some stuff there a year or two ago and while they did (eventually) answer my repeated queries about the order, it was not a happy experience for me.

After more than a month of going in circles and getting nowhere, I had to instruct my credit card company to negate the charges (as the card had been charged even though my order had not shipped). The mall folks were nice enough about it when they did finally reply, but their action on the problem came way, way, way too late to be considered reasonable.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of antonio
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:05 PM
Subject: business of BSDmall

I am a consummer from JP and have shopping a CD for
FreeBSD4.9 on BSDmall where linked from this site.
I am sure to remember date of order is end of FEB
so Its been almost all a month but nothing to reach me
from BSDmall. I sent e-mail to them twice for checking
of shipping for my order but even no answer.
now what I want to ask here is BSDmall is working or
not? if they are working with no torable why they
ignore me? credit card company already have charged
for this shopping. I know It takes approx ten to
of weeks for trancportation from US to JP coz I have
often shoped from Oversee particuler from US alots.
if someone have time and get my hand for me please
thanks for any reply

PS: my name is "Yoshiya Imai"
    I have no infomation of order coz BSDmall never
     have sent any e-mail to me
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