You can download the .iso image here:

then burn that image to a CD. It is for the i386 arch.


On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 12:56, venkat reddy wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to the FreeBSD community, I want to install
> FreeBSD in my lab and I am getting problems installing
> it.
> I am trying to install Free-BSD on a Pentium-II
> machine with 10 GB hard disk space.
> I have downloaded the kern.flp and mfsroot.flp and
> image copied them on to the floppies and booted my
> system with those floppies.
> Now when it prompts for the further installation I
> have selected the "ftp passive" because i have a
> firewall to my lab. but it says could not log on to
> the ftp.
> My question is If I want to load it from a CD. What
> should I write on the CD from the ftp site. I am too
> confused with the directories in the ftp site.
> Please help me what to download from the ftp site. And
>  are there any bootable images for the complete
> installation process in the ftp site.
> Thanks in advance.
> Venkat

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