Le 30/03/2006  20:19:17-0500, Jerry McAllister a ?crit
> > 
> I wonder what exactly you mean by 'format'.
> We don't tend to use that word to mean making slices (fdisk), 
> partitions (disklabel/bsdlabel) or file systems (newfs).

Well the purpose is of course newfs.
> Usually format refers to something done at the very low leval of
> the drive and is normally only done at the manufacturer nowdays.
> I expect you mean one or more of the others, but cannot say.
> But, anyway, that is what you need to do - in that order.  
>   fdisk,  disk/abel/bsdlabel,  newfs
> So, try and explain what you have done using these utilities if
> you have and if you haven't, then check them out and see if
> that helps.   If you really did a "format" under XP, then I think
> you can just start over with fdisk, but I haven't tried that on
> a hard disk much less a firewire device.

First I try to edit the slice with fdisk but when he need to write I've 

Information from DOS bootblock is:
1: sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
    start 63, size 156296322 (76316 Meg), flag 80 (active)
        beg: cyl 1/ head 1/ sector 1;
        end: cyl 512/ head 254/ sector 63
Should we write new partition table? [n] y
fdisk: Geom not found

What's that mean ?
How can I fix that ?

Lots of thanks 


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
Heure local/Local time:
Fri Mar 31 06:31:34 CEST 2006
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