On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:00:34 -0800
"Wil Hatfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Beto,
> I am currently trying to upgrade one without customers on it to 6.0.
> But as was the problem with 5.4 the problems don't show up until the
> machine is under high load.  So even under 6 I won't have a clue if
> the issues are fixed until I get the customers on it. So it doesn't
> make alot of difference.

fair enough, but you should be able to use some of the performance
testing tools to hammer the server before pushing it live.

> I checked with the manufacturer or the machine and they assure me
> that they installed brand new high quality 80/40 cables. But then
> again what did I expect them to say. So do you know of a good high
> quality 80/40 manufacture and where I can buy some new cables? What's
> the best of the best?

not really - i had my bad experience with cables, just went out, got
the ones that a) weren't 10 for a buck , b) actually looked well
built. I just went to my preferred provider here in town (eer...
"online" actually...but they are local (Syd, AU) ) 

> At Supermicro's recommendation I already phlashed to the latest bios.

cool - but my point was not to assume that new bios would be better -
it may actually be a step backwards when combined with your other
hardware and software.

> Well it is good to know you think 6 is better than 5.4. But then
> again you are running SATA and we all know 6 runs SATA better.
> Hopefully it runs ATA better too.

actually, that's the only box with SATA - all the others run PATA or
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