On Apr 2, 2006, at 5:02 PM, RJ wrote:

 Something doesn't seem right with those ports.
When I have setup a server I use php4-4.4.2_1, mysql- server-4.1.18_2,
php4-extensions-1.0 and apache.

  I think php4-4.4.2_1 and  php4-mysql-4.4.2_1 will cause a conflict.

 Some correct me if I'm wrong on this.

Ni RJ,

I certainly hope that these two ports aren't in conflict -- because they are listed together as dependencies on 56 ports (according to my '/usr/ports/INDEX-6' file). It looks like I got the php4-mysql package when I installed phpMyAdmin (which is how I noticed that PHP wasn't working, btw). Here is the relevant line from my INDEX-6 file:

nr:/usr/ports$ grep ^phpMyAdmin INDEX-6
phpMyAdmin-|/usr/ports/databases/phpmyadmin|/usr/local|A set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web|/usr/ports/databases/ phpmyadmin/pkg-descr|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|databases www|| apache-1.3.34_4 expat-2.0.0_1 fontconfig-2.3.2_3,1 freetype2-2.1.10_3 jpeg-6b_4 ldconfig_compat-1.0_6 libdrm-2.0_1 libltdl-1.5.22 libmcrypt-2.5.7_2 mysql-client-4.1.18_1 pdflib-6.0.3 pecl- pdflib-2.0.4 perl-5.8.8 php4-4.4.2_1 php4-bz2-4.4.2_1 php4-gd-4.4.2_1 php4-mbstring-4.4.2_1 php4-mcrypt-4.4.2_1 php4-mysql-4.4.2_1 php4- openssl-4.4.2_1 php4-pcre-4.4.2_1 php4-session-4.4.2_1 php4- zlib-4.4.2_1 pkgconfig-0.20 png-1.2.8_3 t1lib-5.1.0_1,1 xorg- libraries-6.9.0|http://www.phpmyadmin.net/|||

I would tend to trust the dependency list contained in the port, but I'm willing to try uninstalling the php4-mysql package if you think it will help.

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