
I've got a question which is probably pretty easy to answer: how can I assign more memory to a PHP script running in a shell and/or in a browser.

Some more background info:
I'm building a PHP script that has to retrieve pretty large sets of data from a remote MySQL database, then process it, and store the results to a local database.

The issue:
The script (surprise, surprise) quickly runs out of memory. Now, I have already tried to increase the memory limit in php.ini (followed by an Apache restart, of course), but even when setting the limit to something high like 384MB or so, the script still bails out with a memory limit error when retrieving as little as some 50MB of data...

Now, of course I could rewrite my PHP script such that it will retrieve smaller batches of data, but being a programmer I'm lazy, and I'd rather simply assign more memory to the script (actually, it's not only due to laziness, but also due to the fact that the script has to agregate data etc., and I'd rather have it do that in 1 run for a variety of reasons).

It seems to me like setting the memory limit in php.ini above a value of 64MB (or so) doesn't seem to have any effect anymore. My assumption then is that the memory limit is somehow enforced elsewhere (the shell perhaps, and/or Apache?).

Can anyone tell me how to adjust this such that I can successfully assign say 384MB of memory to PHP scripts ran both from browsers (i.e. through Apache 2.2 and mod_php) as from the commandline?

Tnx in advance, and cheers,

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