
congratulations on you wedding, i hope the best for the two of you.

read back the thread yourself: you will need the dvd-slideshow from ports +
 - patch for the wc --lines ( or wc --chars, i can't remember ). these
are 1 of 2 instances in the script.
 - back in this thread i have given multiple solutions for a
replacement "seq". this is the key to proper fading.

maybe it is easier afterall to run the script in linux-compat mode:
you will need no patches at all. i for one do not know how to
accomplish this easy however ( never had the need ). oh (w/h)ell,
you'll just need to start it from a linux-shell i assume.

good luck, and please try to notify the portmaintainer about the
problem and solution. i am off on a mini-break myself, so you are on
your own now.



On 4/11/06, Chris Maness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> >
> >> or you could symlink to: ( if you have linux compat enabled )
> >>
> >> /usr/compat/linux/usr/bin/seq
> >>
> >>
> >
> > will you let me know if this helped you?
> >
> > will you relay the seq-patches to the portmaintainer?
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > usleep
> >
> >
> I am back from my honeymoon (lots of pics to try out with the script).
> What version did you want me to try?  Did you have 1.7.5 patched for
> wc?  I could try that.
> Thanks
> Chris Maness
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