On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 08:53:23PM -0400, Chris Hill wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Gary Kline wrote:
> >On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 06:41:16PM -0500, Eric Schuele wrote:
> >>Joseph Vella wrote:
> >>>On Tuesday 11 April 2006 06:47, Eric Schuele wrote:
> >>>>[Hoping this isn't too OT for the list]
> >>>>
> >>>>So... now that www/linux-flashplugin* are gone,  I was hoping to get
> >>>>opinions on which alternative flashplayer(s) are reasonably good.  I use
> >>>>firefox and would prefer a plugin for it... but am generally interested
> >>>>in the state of any flash player.  I know there are a handful in ports,
> >>>>just wanted some opinions.
> >>>>
> >>>>Could anyone please offer their opinion on
> >>>> - which alternative they are using
> >>>> - why
> >>>> - comment(s) on installation ease (or lack thereof)
> >>>> - is it a standalone or plugin
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>I missed it.  Why is www/linux-flashplugin* gone?
> >>
> >>From /usr/ports/UPDATING:
> >>
> >>20060408:
> >>  AFFECTS: users of www/linux-flashplugin*
> >>
> >>  These ports have been removed because the End User License Agreement
> >>  explicitly forbids to run the Flash Player on FreeBSD.
> >>  For more details, see
> >>    http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/license/desktop/
> >     Good grief!  Is this even under linux-emulatio?  Oughtta read
> >     the URL.  WHat a pain!
> Seriously. But there it is, in section 3.a.(D) of the given URL:
>   "You may not use the Software on ... any operating system that
>    is not an Authorized Operating System."
> I wonder why Macromedia felt the need to pay their lawyers to add this 
> clause. I will email them and ask, if I can find a way to do so.
> Serious question: If one already happened to have this package 
> installed, could he hold onto it by editing pkgtools.conf to contain
>     HOLD_PKGS = [
>       'linuxpluginwrapper*',
>     ]
> ?

        I don't see why the above wouldn't work; there are a few 
        ports I have in the HOLD_PKGS list.  They're still working.

        I've done some hacking the past few weeks on tools to aide
        HTML stuff for books I'll soon put up, so I haven't quit 
        programming altgether.  Sooooo: what's the consensus on
        *us* andor the open-src community getting together and
        doing our own free version of this shock/flash stuff?
        I'm read to volunteer.


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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