* On 12/04/06 20:46 +0100, eoghan wrote:
| Matthew Seaman wrote:
| >eoghan wrote:
| >
| >>I asked a question about stopping/starting tomcat, but I suppose I didnt
| >>ask it right.
| >>What I should have asked is:
| >>How do I stop/start services that I have enabled in my rc.conf, such as
| >>mysql, tomcat etc. I have tried from my rc.d/ with tomcat but it will
| >>not work for me...
| >
| >Like this:
| >
| >    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tomcat.sh start
| >
| >If that doesn't print out anything then double check what's in /etc/rc.conf
| >If the service apparently starts up, but then you find it's not running
| >a few seconds later, then check any log files that application uses -- it's
| >quite often the case that there's a configuration fubar somewhere that is
| >causing the service to give up.
| >
| >     Cheers,
| >
| >     Matthew
| >
| Hi Matthew,
| Well I have the service enabled in my rc.conf... so going to 
| localhost:8180 shows me the default tomcat page saying its working 
| etc... the jsp examples work fine.
| When i try /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tomcat55.sh stop
| i get:
| tomcat55 not running? (check /var/run/tomcat55.pid)
| Thats it. tomcat55.pid contains 2039.
| I created a jsp file with just plain html in it... but when i browse to 
| it I get a HTTP 500 error (exception report).
| I have the file in the correct place according to the docs so Im not 
| sure why is not working... I have originally some small piece of jsp but 
| figured Id have to restart the server in order for it to work, which is 
| what Im trying to do now...

Have you checked that the script refers to the correct pid file?



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