Nikolas Britton schrieb:
> On 4/12/06, Ashley Moran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wednesday 12 April 2006 16:15, Ashley Moran wrote:
>>> I'm not having much luck today...
>>> I just tried updating my KOffice and got this error:
> [snipped]
>> Has it really not been fixed in all this time?

This isn't an error in KOffice - take a look at the actual problem report:

(Executive summary: Reinstall graphics/ImageMagick.)

> You are jumping the gun, koffice 1.5 is not even in the ports tree
> yet.... BUT if you can't wait I've modified the official koffice port
> to build koffice 1.5.0. It compiles just fine on my system running
> FreeBSD 6.1-RC1 with KDE 3.5.2.

KOffice 1.5 will be committed to ports as soon as the upcoming FreeBSD
releases are out the door (actually, KDE 3.5.2 wasn't supposed to go in
before that either - however, I forgot about the ports slush and got
folded for committing it by portmgr. I'm not going to again. :)


Please don't do that. FreeBSD's bugtracking system gets enough abuse as
it is.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |

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