On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 10:12:17 -0600
Bryan Curl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[non-pingable clients in LAN] 
> Check your FreeBSD box firewall. Rules depend on which one you might
> be using.
> Check Firwalls of other pc's.
> Also, if you run a VPN client  on other windows boxes. The vpn 
> sub-system will block pings. Kill the sub-system service.

indeed, it's possible that this is the case,
you can use mtr in FreeBSD to try to traceroute them (mtr doesn't use
ping) instead

su -
cd /usr/ports/net/mtr
make install

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc | gpg --import
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