* On 20/04/06 13:19 +0200, Andreas Davour wrote:
| On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Paul Schmehl wrote:
| >I just switched from Gnome to KDE because I had to many problems with 
| >Gnome. KDE is a much more finished product (IMNSHO) and it's much 
| >easier to work with regarding adding new menus, printer configuration 
| >and other things that are the real reason you have a desktop.
| >
| >Gnome requires dbus and seems to have problems connecting to it at 
| >times. Gnome updates are also a royal PITA (keep in mind, I haven't 
| >done a KDE update yet), and I got tired of having to run and rerun the 
| >updates to try and get everything working right again.  It also 
| >generates a bunch of errors that I was never able to successfully 
| >eradicate, some of which make no sense.
| >
| >Gnome is "prettier" (IMNSHO), but pretty is secondary to functionality, 
| >and KDE has Gnome beat hands down in that category.
| Agree.
| >Don't shoot - just one man's opinion.
| Seconded. KDE updates works much better, and the developers don't call 
| you an idiot if you ask them why they took a specific design decision.

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