Do you have a multi-head setup, does DRI/DRM work? If it works report
your setup, if you can confirm it doesn't work post that too!

Let me lead the way:
drm0: AGP <ATI Radeon QL R200 8500 LE>
drm1: PCI <ATI Radeon QY RV100 7000/VE>
drm2: PCI <ATI Radeon QY RV100 7000/VE>

DRI broken, hardlocks system when you start X, It has something to do
with the Radeon 7000 cards becouse DRI was working fine when I only
had the Radeon 8500 card installed.

My motive here is to find a cheap (<= $150) triple-head setup that DRI
works with... I don't feel like wasting another $150 bucks on video
cards only to find out DRI is still broken!!!

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