Alle 17:47, martedì 02 maggio 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
> On 5/2/06, Vittorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Context: pentium 4, freebsd 6.0, samba 3.0.22,
> > 6 windows 2000, NT,XP
> > samba clients
> >
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I'm writing to this ML because, googling
> > the net on the subject reported below,  it seems that samba works
> > slightly differently according to the platform in which it is installed
> > (I read of differences of behaviour between Fedora and Debian samba
> > installations, or even between FC1 and FC2 installations).
> >
> > I setup a
> > samba server connected to a very large *** original MS-windows LAN ***
> > with the following smb.conf file. The aim is to put in a public read-
> > only share all the programs we need to share.
> >
> > Now, the problem is that
> > at boot time - after logging in the MS-windows client -  windows 2000
> > or NT clients present the user with a pop-up window asking for a
> > password to connect to the public share (I created the 'pcguest'
> > freebsd user as a passwordless user and to 'smbpasswd pcguest' I didn't
> > provide any password at all!). Clicking on OK the share is immediatedly
> > connected and it all works. Nonetheless the pop-up window asking for a
> > password is somewhat disturbing.
> > By the way, windows XP clients don't
> > seem to suffer from the same problem. They connect to the share
> > smoothly, without asking anything as expected!
> >
> > Any idea to solve the
> > problem?
> >
> > Ciao
> > Vittorio
> >
> >
> >
> > ###smb.conf
> >
> > [global]
> > workgroup = mygroup
> > server string = FreeBSD
> > map to guest = Bad User
> > passdb backend = tdbsam
> > security = user
> > guest account = pcguest
> > log file = /var/log/samba/log.%
> > m
> > load printers = No
> > preferred master = No
> > local master = No
> > domain
> > master = No
> > dns proxy = No
> > wins server =,
> > hosts allow = 10.100.
> >
> > [homes]
> > comment = Home Directories
> > read only =
> > No
> > browseable = No
> >
> > [public]
> > comment = Deposit
> > path = /home/pcguest
> > guest only = Yes
> > guest ok = Yes
> This is based on a slightly different experience with a Linux host,
> but my first guess is you want to add "security = share" to the public
> section to override the global "security = user".  For that share, you
> might also want "force user = pcguest" and some explicit commands for
> whether you want it write protected, but I'd see if the first solution
> solves your problem.
> Jordan
> _______________________________________________

No, it doesn't work. The problem is still there on win 2k or NT clients.

Any other option?

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