On 5/4/06, Jason Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 04:40:32PM -0500, Peggy Wilkins wrote:
> I just recently started using portsnap in lieu of cvsup on my ports
> tree for FreeBSD-6.0-RELEASE.  I thought it was supposed to be more
> efficient than cvsup, but I'm finding it to be worse.  I followed the
> directions from the Handbook that say to run "portsnap fetch update"
> to update the ports tree (assuming it's already been set up
> previously, which I did a couple weeks ago)... but when the fetch
> finished, it told me that I needed to "run extract before update".
> Unfortunately, extract takes forever to run, so this is much worse
> than running cvsup.
> Am I doing something wrong?  I thought I was following the directions
> in the Handbook.  I ran extract the first time I did it, before
> running update, why do I need to run it again?

The first time you run portsnap:

# portsnap fetch
# portsnap extract

Subsequent usage:

# portsnap fetch update

Did you run `extract' after your original `fetch'?

Yes, I did; I followed the instructions exactly.  I ran portsnap for
the first time a couple weeks ago after which I successfully did a
bunch of portupgrades.  Then the ports tree sat there on my disk
untouched for a couple of weeks until I ran "portsnap fetch update"
today.  For some reason it insisted that I needed to run "extract"
when as far as I can tell that shouldn't have been necessary.

Is there some configuration information I should be mentioning?  I
haven't changed anything in /etc/portsnap.conf, I am using all the
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