On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 10:40:06AM -0500, Greg Barniskis wrote:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> >On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 11:20:21AM +0200, albi wrote:
> >>i'm running 5.4 on a few servers, and i wondered till when
> >>security-updates will be available
> >>
> >>http://www.freebsd.org/security/ says that the EOL is estimated may 31
> >>2006, but does that also mean no more security-updates for 5.4 ?
> >
> >Yes.
> [blink blink]
> I'm not at all opposed to RE@ and security@ making hard decisions 
> and doing whatever is needed to best further the project's goals (so 
> please don't read this as flame bait). But I have to confirm what I 
> just read:
> 5.4 is EOL before 5.5 is released, and even before 4.11 and 5.3 are 
> EOL? Or is it really the case that the EOL table should list /2007/ 
> for 5.4 (same day as RELENG_5)?
> If 2006 is accurate, this is registering on me as a significant POLA 
> violation. Very hard to believe this is accurate. If accurate, what 
> list/channel/forum should I have been paying more attention to?

security@, and the website where this has been announced for a LONG
TIME.  The policy and rationale is all there.


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