Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

To those taking affront at such answers, no one is saying "oh, fork
you!" in some intentionally rude or belittling way (at least, I'm
not), they're saying forking (process-wise) to the appropriate forum
is the logical thing to do.

I take affront to such answers because of the simple fact that it's
obvious that your perfectly valid answer isn't a real answer.  A real
answer would be something that would get rid of this continual
resurgence of this discussion.

Thus the suggestion that folks pursue it in a forum where PR might actually be germane, and in a way that might actually bear results. Continual barking on questions@ about how upset folks are has got to be among the very least effective ways of seeking change (other than changes to killfiles).

Based on responses I'd estimate about 60% of FBSD users didn't want
the logo changed before the contest.

Based on responses post-contest results, I think about 90% of users hate
the new logo.

Despite what 24-hour cable news channels might like to have us believe, % self-selected email senders <> % actually holding opinions. Asserting that these are valid statistics is nonsense.

Like many folks who really don't care about the logo all that much one way or the other, I simply won't be reading or posting on this subject any more (making any future post counts that much less valid as statistics).

Greg Barniskis, Computer Systems Integrator
South Central Library System (SCLS)
Library Interchange Network (LINK)
<gregb at scls.lib.wi.us>, (608) 266-6348
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