On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Danny Horne wrote:
> Subject: Re: (OT) non-keyboard ascii characters
> > Hello All
> >
> > Is there anyway to get e.g. a u with an umlaught over it (ASCII 159 I
> > think) in a text emailer like pine or mutt, if your keyboard doesn's have
> > said character? How about text editors like nedit?
> >
> Not sure what an umlaught is, but you can find a list of ascii codes here -
> http://www.asciitable.com/
> I find holding down 'Alt' & typing in the number of the character works for
> me (though I don't use Pine or Mutt).

Didn't wok for me in pine or nedit, although this may be charset 
dependent. Which apps does this work for you in? xterm?

#  John Bleichert 
#  http://vonbek.dhs.org/latest.jpg

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