On Friday, 12 May 2006 at 18:44:01 +0400, Igor Robul wrote:
> On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 10:35:43AM -0400, Bakki Kudva wrote:
>> How about using x-terminals on a network? I remember seeing them in
>> the surplus market for $15 recently. After all X is designed to be a
>> network gui.
> X-Terminals may
>  1) Not work good with non-English languages
>  2) Have bad (<80 Hz) refresh rate
> Also, for example, I'm not sure I could find any X-Terminal for $15 or
> even $50 on any market in any country.

I'm sure you'll find X terminals cheaply from time to time.  But
in addition to the problems you mention, they're frequently slow,
especially by today's standards.

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