On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 08:49:57AM +0400, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
I have istalled mpd4 Version 4.0b4 on FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE.
I have mpd.conf, mpd.link, mpd.secret.
When I run a mpd4, the next is printed:

Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
mpd: pid 1773, version 4.0b4 ([EMAIL PROTECTED] 13:49 14-May-2006)
[ukrtelecom] ppp node is "mpd1773-ukrtelecom"
tcpmss node is "mpd1773-mss"
[ukrtelecom] using interface ng0
Write in shorter lines, mutt can help.

mpd4 is not suitable for production use yet. mpd3 works
fine, read the manual carefully and/or google for correct

Thank you for advice.
I have searched the google and found that this is not the problem in my
configurations, but a bug in mpd.
Will be it corrected?

Elisej Babenko
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As the issue was that it was not yet suitable for production, I would say that issues are currently being corrected. If the bug that you are stating has been brought to the attention of the publisher (which it likely has if it is a known bug), then they will fix it before release. Otherwise, they will fix it after release when someone complains ;)
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