Ahh! Thanks!

Which port would you recommend for xorg7? It's not in devel or x11. I
have 6.9 running now, and the install did go smoothly, so I'm willing
to try a 7 install.

Having all of these buttons work properly is probably the last step I
would need to make a full and confortable switch completely from
Windows to BSD :-)


On 5/19/06, Marshall Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was catching up on my freebsd lists, and saw this... Note that you
can't use evdev unless you're using Xorg 7, as far as I know. Once
on xorg7, you can use evdev as the driver for your mouse, and things
Just Work. See this guide: http://floam.sh.nu/guides/mx1000


On Mar 31, 2006, at 8:14 PM, Jim Stapleton wrote:

> I have IMWheel installed and setup, and below is the mouse setting for
> my xorg.conf file, however. Buttons 1-7 work just perfectly, however,
> 8 mimics the wheel-down, and 9 and 10 refuse to do anything, no
> matther what I do with imwheel or the utility that lets me remap the
> buttons
> Oh, and I was wrong in an earlier post, it isn't the driver that they
> posted and I couldn't use, it was the protocol (ignore my terminology,
> and not the sample mouse-config part with "evdev" in it).
> current mouse section of xorg.conf
> ========================================
> Section "InputDevice"
>         Identifier  "Mouse0"
>         Driver      "mouse"
>         Option      "Protocol" "auto"
>         Option      "Device"   "/dev/sysmouse"
>         Option      "Buttons"  "10"
>         Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> EndSection
> ========================================
> ~/.imwheelrc
> ========================================
>   none, Thumb1, Alt_R|Left
>   none, Thumb2, Alt_R|Right
>   none, Left, Alt_R|Left
>   none, Right, Alt_R|Right
> ========================================
> ~/.xsession and ~/.xinitrc
> ========================================
> exec startkde
> imwheel -k -b "6789" &
> ========================================
> I've tried using every variant of xmodmap that I could to alter the
> mapping of 6-10, however, nothing gets buttons other than 6 and 7 to
> work properly, and one of the others (I suspect it's 8) to mimic a
> completely different button. Unfortunately, button 7 is the only
> button that I don't like usin gon this mouse (hard to twist my hand to
> press it).
> By "not work properly", I mean that in any mapping other than the
> default, (except reversing 6 and 7) with xmodmap, the buttons either
> do nothing (normally), or act in a manner not previously specifice
> (usually by mimicking a scroll up or down button). Mapping 9 and 10
> into the place of 6 and 7 (i.e. ' xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 9 10
> 8 6 7" ' or ' xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 6 7 8" ') ensures
> that no buttons beyond 5 work.
> I strongly suspect that signals from buttons 8-10 aren't reaching the
> software that handles them properly. 8 is either being misread or sent
> wrong, 9 and 10 appear to simply be dropped.
> Thanks,
> -Jim
> On 3/31/06, Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jim Stapleton wrote:
>>> Aye, it's got a lot of buttons, and I've tried transferring
>>> several of
>>> the config settings, however, none of the drivers they pointed to
>>> seem
>>> to exist in BSD, and they also pointed to devices, again nonexistant
>>> in bsd.
>>> example, one involves the following:
>>> Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
>>> Option "Protocol" "evdev"
>>> If I try to use evdev, x refuses to start, and says said module does
>>> not exist in the log file. The other variants I've seen have similar
>>> modules that I can't find and won't load.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Jim
>>> On 3/31/06, Norberto Meijome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:13:49 -0500
>>>> "Jim Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I've googled the problem in general, tried looking around xorg and
>>>>> this site, but I couldn't find any useful information on
>>>>> getting my
>>>>> MX518 working with all of it's buttons in BSD (were I to downgrade
>>>>> back to Linux, I could, but I'd rather not do that, ports is
>>>>> much more
>>>>> useful than the extra three buttons).
>>>> Hey Jim
>>>> i suppose this is a logitech mouse with lots of buttons? if you
>>>> know it
>>>> works with linux, why not transfer the config from linux to
>>>> freebsd? (u
>>>> dont need to install anything, just try knoppix). It should work
>>>> out of
>>>> the box (I believe moused is same across platforms, and xorg
>>>> shouldn't
>>>> worry too much about what OS it's being used under).
>>>> otherwise, have u read man moused ?
>>>> beto
>>     Many people in Linux (at least), use imwheel for utilizing all
>> mouse
>> buttons on their mice, unless they use an internal X program to
>> set the
>> values for 'key strokes' obtained from the mouse by themselves
>> (kind of
>> a royal pain, if you ask me). Try searching for "imwheel gentoo" on
>> google if imwheel's included in ports (don't have my FreeBSD
>> machine in
>> front of me right now to verify).
>>     Also, if you're looking for the codes for your mouse's
>> buttons, try
>> using xev.
>> -Garrett
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