* On 21/05/06 20:23 +0800, Jiongyi Jiang (citiz) wrote:
| Dear all,
| I got 5.4 installed before and now wants to have 6.1. 
| Is there any way to upgrade from 6.1 to 5.4 rather than install a 
| fresh version of 6.1?  Thanks in advance.

hi Jiang,

I am FreeBSD "damu" (by blood), and so I'll tell you how I do it.
Between 5.x and 6.x, you really do not need a fresh install. Just
use cvsup to update.

If you know how to use cvsup, then in your supfile for the source
tree, you could change the tag to:

 *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_6_1_0_RELEASE
(This will give you 6.1-RELEASE).

Then just run cvsup:

cvsup -g -L 2 /path/to/supfile

Now read the UPDATING:

less /usr/src/UPDATING

If you've been updating sources and UPDATING before, then reading
this file almost tells you everything you need to know, and even
what is likely to bite you.

Now that we are at it, /usr/ports/UPDATING is another masterpiece.

Both files are chronicled from the last time there was a major
version change/bump.



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